Saturday, May 12, 2007

my ideas and thought processes

After a lot of thinking and drawing and working around my ideas of familiarity and comforting feelings that i get from the act of collecting toys and figures, i think i am going to make a toy of myself... now i KNOW everyone is going to think thats a bit of a sell out idea, but hear me out. My aim for this project is to create a toy/figure/collectible that created a sense of happiness or evoked the feelings or emotions that came from buying toys when we were children. The toys/collectibles/designer figures that are available are and innovative method of informing a wider audience. The fact that they are toys means that people young and old buy them because toys are friendly, welcoming vessels. I am using myself as a model because i am part of the target audiences that designer toys are marketed at. and I aim to produce a set of designs that depict the "average toy collectors." I also think that this may be my one any only chance to have a figure of myself made. After talking to a two very helpful 3rd years, i have been in touch with a couple places to see if i can get my final design manufactured or if i am going to have to make it myself. I have been FRANTICALLY sketching self portraits and drawings of myself and trying to work out the best method and the best light to portray myself.... Dont worry though, i am still keeping popular influences such as robots, monkeys and accesories heavily in mind..

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